We have a zero tolerance policy for any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If this behaviour continues, we may act upon our right to take action to have them removed immediately, from our list of patients.
As a patient of this practice, we ask that you: –
- Treat staff politely and behave in a reasonable and responsive manner.
- To treat our staff with dignity and respect.
- To follow treatment plans recommended by your Dr or Nurse this includes medication and how it should be taken.
- To ensure the details of any consent forms are correct prior to signing.
- Only ask for an urgent appointment if needed.
- Arrive on time for your appointment.
- Cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend.
- Talk to a doctor or the Practice Manager if you are unhappy about any of our services.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient of this practice, you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect and courtesy, preserving your privacy, confidentiality and dignity.
- To receive clear understandable information about your care. If you do not understand, please ask questions – it is your right to know.
- To be involved in decisions about your health care.
- To be given an appointment on the day of your request if the need is urgent.
- To be given a full explanation about your medical condition and treatment.
- The right to express preference of Dr or Nurse (please do so at the time of making your appointment